Force Factor has a supplement that can help improve memory, enhance mental sharpness, and clarity, but is it all it’s made out to be?
Many people, like myself, could certainly use some help on a daily basis in this department, so I was definitely intrigued by the value proposition. I had to do some research on my own first to understand more about the benefits and how Forebrain actually works.
An Alternative to Coffee?
I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that I’ve tried to cut down on my daily coffee intake.
While I don’t put empty calories in my coffee, I know I drink too much.
I read online in another review that Force Factor’s Forebrain could act as a better, healthier, and cheaper (I was spending $5-$10 a day on coffee at my peak) “pick me up”.
A lot of supplements similar to Forebrain load their capsules with caffeine. There is caffeine in Forebrain, but it’s a different kind of caffeine (extended release), and it has many other ingredients that provide a more balanced overall result.
Simply put, the crash I would get from coffee doesn’t exist with Forebrain, and by taking this supplement, I was able to ditch my coffee habit most days of the week – weekends especially.
Ingredients That Made “Sense”
Caffeine is obviously in Forebrain, but what else makes up the formula?
I wanted to make sure I was putting something in my body I felt comfortable taking daily. Force Factor lists three main ingredient blends, and they give thorough explanations for all.
MemorySafe™ Blend includes Bacopa and COGNIGRAPE®. Bacopa is an herb that has been studied and shown to help with recall. COGNIGRAPE® is also believed to help enhance memory, sharpness, and information processing.
ThinkUp Advanced™ Blend has zümXR, which is the special type of caffeine that is billed as “extended release”. It also has Thinkamine™ vincamine and huperzine A in it.
All these ingredients can work to provide alertness and focus. They help increase neurotransmitter activity within the brain.
Finally, BioBrain+™ Blend is the ingredient blend that helps with absorption of key ingredients.
With Forebrain, I noticed that I could feel the effects of these potent ingredients pretty quickly, even after using it for the first time.
Force Factor Forebrain Reviews Online Turned Me into a Believer
I’m sure most reading this might still be on the fence with Forebrain, and I must say, that is where I was at one point, too. I read a bunch of different reviews and even watched some YouTube videos, and the results seemed to be overwhelmingly positive.
GNC and Amazon both have a decent amount of product reviews on their sites, and I think that was what really pushed me to finally place an order. I figured it was a pretty low risk, especially since I first started with the sample option through their website which can be found at:
Perfectly Priced and More Convenient Than Coffee
As I mentioned earlier, I became frustrated with how my morning routine (which progresses into an afternoon habit as well) was sometimes costing $10 or more just for coffee (and sometimes a sugary snack) per day.
I wanted out of that routine, so a 30-day supply that costs just over $2 a day seemed like a great alternative. It is easy to just take one capsule each morning and go about my day.
Buying Forebrain from Force Factor not only seemed like the best deal to me, but it is the only place I know of where someone can try it before they commit to an entire supply for a month. That, coupled with a money-back guarantee, made me comfortable in ordering Forebrain online from Force Factor’s website.
My Force Factor Forebrain Review: Does It Work?
After doing all my research, reading what the company says and reading a lot of online reviews, it was time for me to finally give it a try for myself.
What I found, even within the first few days, is that I had more energy, specifically early in the day and in the middle of the day – early to mid-afternoon, right when I was itching for more coffee. Those were the times when I would usually start to feel sleepy and start to drag.
Since I was more alert, my mind was more alert and conscious of my behavior. I was more productive at work, and motivated to work out or tackle projects at home in the evening.
I’ve been taking Forebrain for close to two months now, and I haven’t had to increase my serving size or anything like that. I’m still feeling the same effects as before. The best part is, I don’t need those two coffees a day that I used to rely on, which is great because I’m now drinking more water than I was before. I now feel like I’m living my best life, as they say!
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