My name is Ellie and for years I was really unhealthy. I was never overweight and didn’t look like I needed to work out or eat better, but I could feel it in my body. I was always tired and never wanted to do anything active. I ate crap foods and my body could feel it.
Then I started dating my husband Jeff who was an avid hiker and health-foods fanatic. At first it was slightly annoying, but once I started to spend more time with him at the gym or cooking a healthy meal, I started to FEEL so much better. I had more energy, I slept better, my skin was glowing and I was happy.
I’m not perfect and sometimes the gym and salads is a challenge over pizza and TV, but I try my best everyday and it really helps that I have someone to help me get motivated. So if I could give you any advice, it would be to find a gym partner and schedule work outs together! It’s so much more motivating than trying to do it all on your own.
This site is dedicated to all kinds of lifestyle aspects, but focusing on the recipes and workouts that are Jeff and I’s favourites. I hope it helps you feel happy and healthy too 🙂