Having a healthy smile is more than just an aesthetic perk – it means having good oral hygiene. Caring for your teeth doesn’t just avoid cavities, but it can also prevent more serious issues like dental disease and even your overall health.
Children can be especially vulnerable to decay, so it’s important to learn early on to avoid having to get crowns or other costly dental procedures. Take a look at some of the simplest tips for keeping your teeth healthy and strong.
Visit The Dentist Regularly
Regular visits to the dentist will not only solve problems that have already come up but also prevent future issues. They’ll help guide you in the right direction if you aren’t sure what proper flossing and brushing methods are best, and you’ll also get a cleaning!
Dentists recommend two visits a year to avoid problems going unnoticed, which could lead to pain as well as further issues down the road.
Brush Twice a Day
The best way to keep your teeth healthy is to keep them clean! Every time that you eat, you’re leaving behind residue on your teeth. It’s essential to rinse the residue away in order to steer clear of decay.
Brushing alone isn’t always enough for people who have tightly spaced teeth. It’s also important to get between your teeth by using floss. Make sure that you go over the right method for flossing with your dentist, or you could do serious damage to your gums!
Reduce Your Consumption of Damaging Food and Drink
Certain foods and drinks are especially harmful to your teeth. It’s vital to reduce these things as much as possible. Sugar is particularly damaging for your teeth and can even cause holes. Additionally, you should avoid acidic foods and carbonated drinks.
Coffee and wine can stain your teeth, so make sure that you don’t overconsume these foods either.
Be Careful When Playing Sports
If you regularly play sports that could result in getting knocked in the face or falling, it’s crucial that you wear proper protection. Mouthguards will help you keep your teeth intact. The last thing you want is to knock out a tooth!
If you do knock out a tooth, it’s important to save it if you can. In some cases, a dentist may be able to put the tooth back in place; however, it’s not always guaranteed.
Don’t Use Your Teeth As Tools
Some people think that their teeth are replacements for tools like bottle openers or pliers. Under no circumstances should you use your teeth for anything other than what they were made for: chewing food! Using them for anything other than their intended purpose could end in painful results!