Dr. Lane Sebring owns and operates the Sebring Clinic and attached Paleo Pharmacy located in Wimberly, Texas. He received his bachelor’s degree in Biology and his degree in Medicine from the University of Texas before going into the medical practice. Dr. Sebring incorporates Paleo diet practices into his treatments to promote a healthier way of living for his patients. Recently he sat down with us and shared some insight into Paleo diet and why he believes so strongly in it.
How Did You First Become Attracted to the Paleo Diet?
The first time that the Paleo Diet made an impact on me was during a 1998 lecture on the subject by Loren Cordain. From there, I did my own research and delved deeper into the subject of the Paleo diet and how it can help my patients not only bounce back from illness but more importantly, enhance their immune systems so they can resist illness better. Cordain’s book “The Paleo Diet”, which was released in 2002, was also a very valuable resource in understanding this diet and its benefits.
What Do You Think Makes the Paleo Diet So Popular Year After Year?
Aside from the health aspect of this diet, the reason why Paleo is so popular is the fact that there is little restriction on what you can eat, the food items are readily available, and meal plans rely on very little processing since the diet promotes consumption of food in its simplest, most basic form. This means that even those with the most basic of cooking skills can incorporate the diet into their lives with ease. Another reason could be because the diet doesn’t require you to starve yourself. Paleo meals are designed to be high in protein and fat which keeps you full and sated for longer periods. This makes it easy to avoid overeating which is one of the worst weight loss challenges many of my patients have.
What Are Some Tips You Would Give Those Looking to go Paleo this Year?
Read “The Paleo Diet” by Loren Cordain. Also, familiarize yourself with the staples in the Paleo diet that you can easily find in your local stores and farmers markets. Knowing where to get what can really make sticking to this diet easier. Another tip would be to surround yourself with other people who are on this diet. Encouragement and accountability are great tools for anyone who wants to stick to a weight loss program. The good thing is that there are so many forums and groups online that offer a platform for communication and support for those on this diet.
What Types of Exercises or Workouts Do You Recommend For People Looking to Get Healthy This New Year?
I would recommend any kind of workout that gets your heart pumping for 40 minutes, two or three times a week. For me, it’s lifting weights, but this could be anything from running to yoga for others. It depends on your physical makeup and what your health goals are.
What Are Some of Your Favorite Paleo Dinners for Adults and Kids?
Personal favorites are Paleo Italian chicken fingers, buttered fish, the Paleo grilled chicken, and the Paleo sweet potato spinach bacon burgers. I love these recipes because they are so easy to prepare, the ingredients are easy to source and both kids and adults love them.
What Are Some of Your Favorite Paleo Diet Success Stories?
There are so many! I have had many patients who are now steadily maintaining their weight after years of trying other diets. Patients with chronic ailments, such as those with chronic fatigue syndrome have shown great improvement once I put them on this diet. One of my patients couldn’t walk because of her weight, and a year into the program, she’s on a cane and enjoying her mobility and independence.
How Can People Learn More About You and Get More Insights from You?
Get updates on what the clinic is up to as well as insightful information on the Paleo Diet by visiting my website at www.drlanesebring.com. We are also on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/drlanesebring .